County Council budget consultation

The County Council has launched a consultation on its budget for next year. The consultation will run until 30th December 2021.  You can read the proposals at and give your views online. Copies of the budget consultation in other formats, including paper, can be requested by calling 0844 800 8020 or emailing This will include large print, Easy Read for people with learning disabilities, Braille, audio etc. Written responses can be sent by post to: Freepost Plus RTCLXSTT-JZSK Norfolk County Council, Ground floor – south wing, County Hall, Martineau Lane, Norwich NR1 2DH.

At its meeting on 31st January 2022, the Council’s Cabinet will review the results of the public consultation, the outcome of the local government settlement (how much money it will get from central government) and other risks to the Council’s budget. It will agree final proposed budget savings (the cuts in spending to be made by each department). Cabinet will recommend a set of budget proposals to Full Council.

Full Council meets on 21st February 2021 to agree the Council’s budget. At any point up to 21st February you are of course welcome to contact me with your views on the proposed budget.

In broad outline, the Council will still need to cut its annual spending by more than £30 million to balance the books. This is largely because of reductions in funding from central government. The ruling group at County Hall says it can do this without cuts to front line services. It also plans to increase the County Council share of Council Tax bills by 3% – the maximum it can do without triggering a referendum.