At the September meeting of the County Council’s Cabinet, they agreed the allocation of a £1.5 million Flood Reserve Fund to support urgent works, repairs and to enable recommendations from flood investigation reports. Plans include £695k for additional highway and ditch maintenance and £365k for drainage asset improvements.
This funding will be used for work on the 285,864 metres of drainage grips and 31,037 metres of kerb drains on Norfolk’s highways, as well as operations to clear some of the county’s 145,305 gullies that help drain rain water.
Also included in the allocation are the costs of setting up and maintaining the single phone number set up by the Norfolk Strategic Flooding Alliance (NSFA) to give Norfolk residents one point of contact to report flooding. To report flooding anywhere in the county simply call 0344 800 8013.
What’s not very clear is whether the money in the fund has already been fully allocated. I have asked whether communities like Northrepps and Gimingham where we have been calling for action on local flooding can apply for support for schemes that weren’t listed in the council press release.