Road safety schemes
Before the elections in May I pressed the leader of the council to allow a debate on the county’s policy on road safety measures. The current policy on where speed limits can be placed is far too restrictive and hasn’t kept pace with changing road use.
Sadly that debate hasn’t happened but the council has launched a new scheme to fund road safety measures that don’t meet its own policy criteria.
I’ve had this message from the head of Highways giving (a little bit) more information about the scheme after it was trailed in the local press recently:
As you will be aware today’s Full Council approved the launch of a new £1m Road Safety Community Fund (RSCF), which aims to deliver 100 new safety schemes in local communities over the next four years. These community-focused schemes are of small scale (up to £10,000) and will provide an avenue for Members to apply for funding to deliver highway improvements such as speed limit changes and other signing and lining additions or alterations. Please note that this is in addition to the Local Member Fund, which was recently increased to £10,000 per year, and the successful Parish Partnership scheme.
Applications for the Road Safety Community Fund will mirror the Parish Partnership Scheme process, whereby requests will be collated and prioritised based on the Local Transport Plan with a focus on casualty reduction. Like the Parish Partnership fund, your local Highways team will also be able to provide advice. Details of successful applications will be reported as part of the annual Highways Capital Programme report which is considered by Cabinet each spring. In order to deliver the 20 to 30 schemes per year as efficiently as possible, the Road Safety Community Fund will be delivered in geographical areas as detailed below:
- Year 1 – King’s Lynn & West Norfolk;
- Year 2 – North Norfolk, Broadland & Gt Yarmouth;
- Year 3 – South Norfolk & Breckland;
- Year 4 – Norwich & other subsequent requests.
I’m keen to ensure communities in Mundesley division benefit from this scheme as much as possible and am already in discussion with Parish Councils about how best to make this happen.