Investing in North Norfolk?
Norfolk County Council recently published the latest list of infrastructure projects it will be investing in. It’s good to finally see some North Norfolk projects on the list – I’ve criticised the lack of them before – but that made me ask: how are new projects added?
I wrote to the County Hall committee that oversees the spending.
Some years ago I suggested that investment in the Paston Way between North Walsham and Mundesley to make the route fully accessible for cyclists, wheelchairs and pushchairs could significantly increase active travel along the route to schools and shops and work. How are new projects invited on to the Plan and decisions made about what should be included?
This is the reply I received:
The Norfolk Strategic Infrastructure Delivery Plan (NSIDP) is reviewed annually as projects are progressed through to delivery and new schemes come forward. The production of the 2023 NSIDP begins in May where Planning and Economic Development officers from the County and District Councils work jointly to update progress on existing projects and propose new projects to be included in the next version of the plan. To be included in the plan projects have to meet the following
criteria: delivering significant housing and jobs growth, identified in existing plans/programme and have a committed route to delivery. We will raise this project suggestion with colleagues both from the County Council and North Norfolk District Council so inclusion can be considered for the next iteration of the plan.
It doesnt seem like a very clear or open process to me so I have asked more questions.