Climate Crisis: keep us safe from flooding

I have written to the leader of Norfolk County Council to ask what steps he is taking in response to recent flooding in Lincolnshire. Heavy rain and the risk of flooding is bound to increase as the effects of climate change are felt.

The floods a couple of weeks ago damaged scores of small businesses in south Lincolnshire and forced hundreds of people to leave their homes. We have to know that councils and the government are doing all they can to keep us safe from flooding in Norfolk.

Climate change is real and extreme weather is sure to happen more often. Demand for more houses increases the pressure to build on flood plains. If we get it wrong the costs are enormous. 17,000 acres of farmland was left under water by the Somerset floods five years ago. Severe flooding back in 2007 in the west of England cost almost £4 billion.

We rely on the council getting it right to protect us all.

My letter to the leader of the Council