Keeping beaches clean: PSPO consultation

North Norfolk District Council has written to me about a consultation they are running on the extension of Public Space Protection Orders – in other words, the rules they have to keep beaches dog free during the summer. Here’s the letter. The link to the consultation if you want to take part is: Public Space Protection Orders: Review and Consultation (

Following the introduction of the Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act in 2014. North Norfolk District Council introduced a number of public space protection orders (PSPOs) to enforce and restrict dog fouling and other dog related offences. In 2018 a number of these orders were introduced and applied to the districts beaches, promenades.

In accordance the 2014 Act, these orders can only be applied for a maximum of 3 years. After 3 years the Council can authorise the order to run for a further 3 year period if certain criteria are still being met and the need for the order is still justified.

In this instance those orders relating to the beaches and promenades and a single order prohibiting dog fouling on public land  will expire on the 1st of May 2021 and the Council proposes to maintain these for a further 3 years.

In regards to this decision and in accordance with the Act the Council is required to invite representations and allow for a period of consultation on its decision before implementation on the 1st of May 2021.

In regards to the above we would welcome any comments that you may wish to make as part of this consultation. For further details please refer to the attached document which provides details relating to the areas being consulted upon, the duration of the consultation period and the methods available to make your thoughts known.

Kind regards

James Ashby
Scientific Team Leader