Consultation on Norfolk’s transport strategy
Norfolk County Council has launched a new round of consultation on its transport plan for the County. The Council press release says:
The plan details proposals around seven key objectives:
- Embracing the Future: emphasis is on the need to adapt to and use new technology to achieve better outcomes
- Delivering a Sustainable Norfolk: working in partnership with others to help shape the county’s development plans and proposals
- Enhancing Connectivity: providing better, faster and more reliable journeys in a way the puts transport firmly onto a net zero carbon trajectory
- Enhancing Norfolk’s Quality of Life: carbon reduction, air quality improvement, conserving and enhancing Norfolk’s built and historic environments
- Increasing Accessibility: working in partnership to plan and deliver
- Improving Transport Safety: using the Safe Systems approach to reduce casualties
- A Well Managed and Maintained Transport Network: a focussed approach to maintenance and network management
The consultation runs from 21 March to 2 May. Find out more and have your say here:
Hello councillor Maxfield
Why are public vehicles not already using paraphenetic fuel that is being used in Holland by all their public vehicles? It’s made by Shell. It’s emissions are h20 and you could drink it (not that you want to). It works in Diesel engines and is freely available. We need to recycle and use what we have instead of creating yet another mountain of waste. It might not be palatable to reuse Diesel engines but they were designed to pretty much run on anything – why don’t we maximise that and provide options for council’s who are already under the cosh financially. Just a thought.