Consultation on Norfolk’s transport strategy

Norfolk County Council has launched a new round of consultation on its transport plan for the County. The Council press release says:

The plan details proposals around seven key objectives:

  • Embracing the Future: emphasis is on the need to adapt to and use new technology to achieve better outcomes
  • Delivering a Sustainable Norfolk: working in partnership with others to help shape the county’s development plans and proposals
  • Enhancing Connectivity: providing better, faster and more reliable journeys in a way the puts transport firmly onto a net zero carbon trajectory
  • Enhancing Norfolk’s Quality of Life: carbon reduction, air quality improvement, conserving and enhancing Norfolk’s built and historic environments
  • Increasing Accessibility: working in partnership to plan and deliver
  • Improving Transport Safety: using the Safe Systems approach to reduce casualties
  • A Well Managed and Maintained Transport Network: a focussed approach to maintenance and network management

The consultation runs from 21 March to 2 May.  Find out more and have your say here: