Big response to Mundesley Tesco parking survey
Before Christmas, Ed Maxfield asked local people whether they thought parking at the Tesco store in Mundesley was causing a problem – and if so, what should be done about it. There was a big response to the survey and Ed has now passed on the responses to the local councils and the store itself.
“I wrote to around 200 households in the area around the Tesco store and more than 60 responded. A wide variety of different views were expressed – it may not be easy to find a solution that suits everyone but at least now we can see the scale of feeling about the issue,” says Ed.
You can read a summary of the replies below. If you have any comments to add, please email Ed Maxfield on to let him know your views.
64 Responses
How important to you is the issue of parking on Cromer Road near the Tesco store?
Very important |
Quite important |
Not very important |
Not important |
33 |
10 |
5 |
5 |
Should there be parking restrictions along that stretch of Cromer Road?
Yes |
No |
37 |
12 |
Summary of written responses
– Respondents commonly made reference to three issues. Firstly, the significant trouble with visibility when turning out of the Tesco car park at times of congestion and store delivery, secondly, the problems faced by bus users due to cars blocking the bus stop and that while only one accident may have been reported, there are many near misses which go unreported.
– Suggested solutions include marking the Bus Stop more clearly, placing double yellow lines on either one or both sides of the road and communicating with Tesco to request they have their produce delivered at suitable times in vehicles suitable to the limited space available.
– One concern if double yellow lines are put in place is the possibility of carers being unable to park close to the home of those needing care on a daily basis. More generally, there is wide concern that if action is taken in the immediate area, the congestion and traffic issues will simply be moved further along the Cromer Road.
Written Responses – all direct quotes from respondents
– Having seen things outside the store e.g. cars parked at bus stop with children in rear seats, senior citizens trying to enter and get off bus when stop is used for cars, Tesco have parking at rear too much trouble to use it. Also, speeding cars along the main road. Somebody will soon be involved.
– The road has become extremely dangerous – a serious accident just waiting to happen! If no yellow lines are put in place then the area should be policed and people should be prevented from parking in the Bus Stop area. We feel that putting yellow lines on both sides of the road is the only way to make this stretch of road safe for pedestrians and drivers alike. The District Council needs to be urged to take action.
– By having parking restrictions surely that would do one of two things. 1 – simply move the parked cars further down the road. 2 – stop people from using the shop which would probably result in the shop closing – another eyesore?
– The bus sometimes can’t park outside the Bus Stop at Tesco due to cars parked there even with the bus stop sign. Something needs to be done.
– As an elderly bus user, I feel there should be ‘BUS STOP’ written on the road in front of the bus stop. Many times people have just parked there while I am waiting for the bus
– It is not so much the parking that is the problem, it is how they park
– Yellow lines might just move the problem further along. Maybe single side of road parking an alternative days would be an idea. No amount of restrictions will stop problems of parked cars and children, whether outside the store or further along
– Cars parking opposite entrance to Seaview Road also by the Bus Stop
– Everyone parks in bus stop area, including the police. I drive past Tesco 4 times a day if not 6 times and every time I have to stop or look for cars pulling out of the dangerous Tesco forecourt. It needs to be sorted and speed humps put in place. If not yellow lines
– There is no issue – It is a 30mph speed limit area
– Maybe also if the bus stop was moved further along Cromer Road because when a bus is parked you can’t see round it to exit Tesco
– Parking outside Premium Shop further down Cromer Road causes the same problems
– Some restrictions are needed but we do not think putting yellow lines outside the store is totally the answer. People just do what they want. If we can not get in there car park we just drive off (we never park on the road)
– I do not wish to see parking restrictions outside my house as I have daily visits from carers and other helpers who need to park on the road in front of my house
– I live alongside this shop and suffer because of it, along with my neighbour, and would be happy to talk to you about it
– I cannot park my car in my own drive as cars are parked in front of my gate. I have been sworn at several times for trying to get into my own gate, with my car
– In the beginning Tesco’s said don’t worry we will only deliver in small lorries, that’s a joke could not be bigger, these stop people wishing to park in the car park. Double yellow lines will help, smaller delivery lorries not at peak times would help
– If Tesco had not been allowed there in the first place we wouldn’t have had to fill in this form
– If you make parking restrictions it will simply move the problem further along the Cromer Road or into Seaview Rd. The problem was foreseen and should have been resolved before Tesco changed the site
– It’s an accident waiting to happen
– When cars park on the road we struggle to get on our driveway and get off in to its an accident waiting to happen be it car or person gets hurt, car already drive too fast down the road so something needs to be done soon
– Our main problem is the cars that park directly opposite the Seaview Road entrance and the cars that park on the Bus Stop outside the store. Makes it difficult to get out of Seaview Road and also to catch bus to Cromer
– For the few minutes people stop to shop it should not really be a problem!
– Move the bus stop further along the road!
– Would double yellow lines on the opposite side of the road for a short distance not help solve the problem. Surely it can not cost a fortune for yellow paint and whatever else is needed – paint brushes. Nothing will happen until something awful happens – as usual.
– It would help if drivers did not park on the Bus Stop outside Tesco (Is it marked?)
– I totally agree with your comments. But if yellow lines are placed outside the store, people will park further up the road causing chaos and inconvenience for us, its bad enough now, especially in the summer months! Thank you
– It can cause problems with buses at their stop out on the road. Getting in and out of the garage next door. It could cause an accident. We never use Tesco’s for that reason
– How will restrictions be enforced?
– Traffic calming is needed, especially in view of the new houses being built.
– Yellow lines on one side of road and staggered the lines do one can pop in and out
– We feel that in this area street parking is an Accident waiting to happen. Double yellow lines on both sides of the road would be a big help from Crayford Abbs garage to No. 31 Cromer Rd would be a big help
– We are very pleased that you are challenging this issue as we have witnessed many ‘near miss; occasions when an accident could occur. We question that only one mirror incident has happened – more likely only one reported! If you speak to residents opposite the store, we are sure that many more incidents have happened. In particular we have noticed a major problem when deliveries are made. The lorries come in and park on the front car park of the store, which prevent customers from driving out of the designated “exit” – instead they have to drive out of the “entrance”. This has happened to us on several occasions and at times with a further delivery lorry parked adjacent to the store on Cromer Road, has meant that we have to pull out really wide in order to turn left – with visibility severely restricted. This is an accident waiting to happen.
– 1 – Bus Stop. I do think that sometimes the bus may have trouble easing into a out of it’s stopping place. Re: children chasing out. This can happen when the bus is there and also from between any of the cars parked along the Cromer Road.
2 – For a long time there was a convenience store on this site, so cars have been parking there for years. I suppose, in essence what I am saying is that, although the volume of traffic has increased, nothing has really changed and therefore it may be difficult to make a case for double yellow lines
– Parking on pavement is an issue. Many times we have to walk into road. Difficult for disabled and when pushing prams.
– Should never have been allowed to come here in the first place!!! Their trucks are as much problem as car parking for our village
– Restrictions should be one side of the road
– Only problem is – parking restriction where will people park: Tesco car park is not large enough. Also … Tesco do not enforce in/out system. I have even seen police cars come out of the in entry. Tesco store is really handy but parking is a bug bare. I don’t know the answer as there simply is not enough space. Parking restrictions are definitely required but for how many metres (people won’t walk far). Parking restrictions are also useless if they are not enforced. Parking in Mundesley is really bad. Cars are parked anyhow.
– The parking restrictions should go as far as the corner of Gimingham Road and at least 2 bungalows the other way as parking makes driving out of car park a blind spot.
– But I do feel there should be [parking restrictions] down Station Hill opposite Munhaven Close can be very dangerous at times.
– Yellow lines both sides for extra 50yds. Plus moving bus stop. Why cant Tesco have smaller van deliveries? At the moment heavy vehicles park opposite to wait for the front of shop to clear disable space. To allow entry and delivery. While delivery lorry is unloading cars cant exit properly.
– I expect this will move the problem further along Cromer Road. Tesco should never be in this site in the first place. There is no facility for off loading large HGVs (2 or 3 per day) other than in front of the shop thereby blocking exit. Customers don’t park on the road – they park ½ way up the pavement particularly at the bus stop immediately outside Tesco. This forces the bus stop into the middle of road as there are cars parked – often on both sides of the road causing complete blockage of the road. I discussed with Mr Northam a dedicated marked bus stop on the road, similar to the one on Overstrand Road, Cromer outside the surgery – but of course this is too expensive for NNDC. The problem is of course exacerbated during the tourist season when many are unable to read the signs of ‘no exit’, ‘entrance’ and just park where they like. If you can get Mundesley Tesco to cooperate then you deserve a medal.
– There should be yellow lines on Tesco’s side of the road, because when there are cars parked it is so hard to see when driving out onto the road. Norfolk County Council need to put double yellow lines on Tesco’s side of the road instead of the other side which hasn’t helped as the lines only come to the end of the course sand the cars park both sides of the road. They should live on my side of the road and try to get out of my driveway when there is vans and lorry’s parked on the road. The houses on the other side park around the back of there house so the cars can park over there. Its not just the road needs looking at it the dive way to and from Tesco’s car park the cars race to and from the car park so Tesco’s should be made to put ramps on their driveway to slow cars down.
– Only as a last resort then? To include either a zebra crossing or even a pelican crossing??
It was obvious that there would always be problems with cars parking inappropriately. There may only have been one reported minor incident – but having witnessed so many near misses perhaps people just do not bother to report the minor prangs/incidents. The fact is – this is not going to go away and naturally it will always be worse in the summer when there are more visitors who are unfamiliar with the area.
1 – There has already been concern voiced about cars speeding into the village/seafront on this road. In view of the road layout around Tesco’s and the fairly sharp bend beyond the garage perhaps a 20 mile speed limit should be considered (as in other areas of the village) or at the very least a solar powered flashing ‘slow down 30’ mile an hour sign on entering from either direction this particular area to remind motorists they are still in a built-up area.
2 – Would it be possible to at least put markings on the road to indicate the bus stop on both sides of the road as tis would make it more obvious to cars that they are parking on a bus stop thus in danger of causing an obstruction.
3 – Perhaps a notice on both bus-stops asking passengers to stand back so as not to block the pavement whilst waiting for their buses. This may help give all Cars turning out of Seaview Rd and Tesco’s, the Garage and Gimingham Road on the opposite safe of the road – a better view of oncoming traffic on Cromer Road (As well as leaving room for pedestrians to pass by safely on the pavement.
4 – Putting yellow lines outside Tesco’s would probably mean that cars would just park on the unmade roads which the residents are responsible for and currently continue to maintain to the best of their ability.
Also the following are just suggestions in ways that Tesco’s may be able to help in general.
A – Mark more clearly that there is a car park at the rear of the store. Currently only marked coming into the village
B – Not allowing their own large delivery lorry to be delivering at the same time as one of their subsidiary suppliers e.g. Warburton’s, which then has to park on the road
C – If possible no deliveries at peak times
D – Reinstate and maintain the mirror on the fence between the garage and Tesco’s for cars entering and leaving the car park which helps to make the car park more customer-user friendly, particularly if their delivery van is on the forecourt
E – Mark more clearly at the rear of the store the direction pedestrian customers should access the store once parked, so that they are not walking where cars are entering/exiting, forcing cars to queue or be waiting on the road until they are out of the way
F – Are staff cars also parked at rear? As this would obviously limit customer car parking spaces thus frustrating drivers who are trying to park legally. Appreciate staff have to park somewhere, how about this for a suggestion – Trafalgar Court have a large car park just down the road which appears very under-used perhaps Tesco’s could come to some arrangement with them for some staff car parking spaces – Just a thought!
– With a little patience and courtesy there are no major hold ups. At this time there are more important mattes o spend time and money on.
– As Christmas approaches I think the parking issue will become worse. Today the Tesco frontage was occupied with a huge delivery whilst two large other delivery vans were parked opposite to the store on the opposite side of the road. In addition several cars were parked on the Tesco side of Cromer Rd, traffic weaving in and around all these vehicles attempting to pass them, and customers seeking to access the store.
– We feel that Tesco Store in Mundesley has improved the village and is very helpful to elderly people living in the village without their own transport. However, we also feel that there should be double yellow lines from Crayford and Abbs Garage to beyond Tesco’s especially as there is a bus stop immediately outside the store. People park outside completely ignoring the fact that there is a bus stop.
However, we do not feel the problem at Tesco Stores is any worse than at the bend opposite Warren Drive and Links Road. Also Munhaven Close is another danger spot with too many vehicles parking. Yellow lines in these two places would also help as we feel less and less people are walking. The only problem we envisage is that there would not be anyone to enforce this.
– The store if very handy and close by but the parking is a complete nightmare whether you drive or walk. I use the car park at the rear however, on most occasions when exiting the car park I have to leave out of the entrance as there are usually 2 or 3 cars out the front, therefore blocking the exit. I am aware that there is a disabled space but unfortunately this is being used for people that want a quick call into the store.
I do think that yellow lines would help but people quite frequently people park on the bus stop. I am concerned that before long there will be an accident when someone gets hurt because of the parking out the front, or there certainly will be a collision.
I would say that most times I visit the store there is inconsiderate parking, there has also been a few episodes regarding road rage. It’s
such a handy store, but can be very stressful when leaving whether walking for driving.
– I agree that the parking there is a problem, but if double yellow lines are put there, it will cause problems in Seaview Road opposite the store.
When the renovations were being made to the store, many people parked outside the houses on this road, even at some points blocking me in so I couldn’t move my car to go anywhere. The store staff also parked there, until all of the residents in Seaview Road put up NO PARKING signs on their fences. I’m worried that if the parking is prevented on the road, this will once again cause a problem for the people here.
– I run a Bed and Breakfast business just down and opposite from Tesco and I see and am aware daily of the dangers caused by roadside parking there.
It is often chaotic with cars parked, then cars trying to drive out of Tesco’s trying to see round the parked cars, not just directly outside but higher up the Cromer Road from Tesco’s.
Also with cars parked opposite Tesco’s, again it creates danger, blockages and general chaos, especially when we have buses regularly up and down the road and the enormous Tesco lorries.
Also there is the garage Crayford and Abbs entrance and exit and the entrance to Tesco to add into the ‘in and out’ effect going on.
Children are picked up and dropped off on school buses outside and opposite Tesco daily and frequently use the shop, so the potential for a serious incident is very high I feel.
Cars drive very fast around the corner coming up from the village and past my business and it can feel very dangerous trying to cross to Tesco’s.
– Yellow lines outside the store only pushes the problem further along the road. There is a 30mph speed limit along this stretch of road and that cannot be enforced, therefore we do not agree with parking restrictions .
– This store is an essential facility for the local community; in our opinion, its benefits outweigh any issues with shoppers parking in the road when the store car-park is full.
Parking restrictions would reduce convenience and have a negative impact on ‘footfall’ and thus store viability. (Btw, we do not park outside the store ourselves, as we live within easy walking distance)
– we envisage logistical challenges with the enforcement of any parking restrictions, leading to an inconsistent and unfair ‘lottery style’ approach to regulation
– the road in this vicinity is long and straight; in our opinion, parked vehicles actually help with traffic calming
– the demographics of this locale mean a high proportion of elderly people but a very low level of children, particularly young children
In conclusion, we do not feel that parking restrictions would be a good or effective use of limited public funding.
– Thank you for your letter regarding parking at the Tesco Store in Mundesley. I am very pleased to hear that it is at least being discussed. The store if very handy and close by but the parking is a complete nightmare whether you drive or walk. I use the car park at the rear however, on most occasions when exiting the car park I have to leave out of the entrance as there are usually 2 or 3 cars out the front, therefore blocking the exit. I am aware that there is a disabled space but unfortunately this is being used for people that want a quick call into the store.
I do think that yellow lines would help but people quite frequently people park on the bus stop. I am concerned that before long there will be an accident when someone gets hurt because of the parking out the front, or there certainly will be a collision.
I would say that most times I visit the store there is inconsiderate parking, there has also been a few episodes regarding road rage. It’s
– such a handy store, but can be very stressful when leaving whether walking for driving.
I hope this helps and I hope that this gets sorted by the minimum of negativity towards the staff of Tesco as it’s a very busy and useful store.
– The issue of parking on the Cromer Road near the Tesco store is very important to me. I have seen many near misses and lots of examples of thoughtless parking, and yes, there should be parking restrictions along that stretch of the road, not because I disagreed with the Tesco store being there in the first place (that’s a separate issue), but because all the elements are in place for an accident to happen. Dented cars and dented egos I don’t particularly worry about; injuries and death to persons I do.
The situation is exacerbated by the bus stop being there and there being inadequate provision for the supply lorries to deliver their goods.
– Thank you for your letter regarding parking around Tesco Cromer Road Mundesley. We have felt very strongly about the issue of on road parking and have seen a number of near misses due to parking both sides. We have felt for quite some time that there should be a continuation of the double yellow lines on the opposite side to Tesco to the junction with the road near the west bound bus stop.
– With regard to the issue of parking on Cromer Road near Tesco store
This is of great concern to me and very important
Having limited mobility there has been many a time when it has been less than safe to cross the road because of reduced and obstructed visibility of parked cars I feel this is not just dangerous for those with reduced mobility but for small young children who would not be seen by oncoming I feel this is a road traffic accident waiting to happen also there is a car park at the rear of tescos where cars could legitimately park
Also with cars parked at the junction of sea view road opposite tescos and a bus stop adjacent this causes even more visibility issues
because of all thes factors I do feel there should be parking restricitons along the stretch of Cromer Road
– There are a multitude other issues regarding this problem as follows:
-If further parking restrictions are ordered they have to be in forced.
-A few weeks ago I complained to the store that a Tesco artic was parked on the existing yellow lines while waiting to unload as another delivery was being made.
-Opposite the store the footpath is dangerous. It is uneven and slopes towards the road. The hedges of the properties have encroached at least two feet over the path so that someone pushing a pram has to cross the road because the path is not sufficiently wide. Pedestrians can’t pass one another without stepping into the road. I’ve complained to the District Councillor to no avail. Often traffic leaving the store can’t see up or down the road to get out so run the gauntlet. This traffic forces pedestrians to stop. There is the added problem of the buses stopping at the bus stop. Vehicles also park at this bus stop. Customers park half on the footpath.
Speeding traffic is also an issue. A speed camera or two will do. All in all the sighting of Tesco here was not planned properly.
– We think that the parking issue is very important and that there should be some yellow lines or other restriction introduced in this area.
The problem is made worse at times when there is a truck in the front of the store unloading especially when another truck arrives @ Tesco also to deliver. In this case the road can be almost compleatly blocked in both directions, especially in the summer months when there are a lot of caravans and motor homes using this stretch of higway. I hope this is of some help. Please feel free to e mail me if you have any further questions or information you would like us to comment on.
– It is an important issue and we feel it is only time before an accident happens. Cromer Road is a very busy road. We agree in general about all the concerns raised, but it goes much further than that. This store suddenly appeared on our doorstep without any local input because the previous use of the original premises was also a store, but there the similarity ends.
This is a huge store open 7.00 am till 11.00 pm 364 days a year. Whoever at the local council allowed this to go ahead with a bus stop outside the main entrance was not paying attention. There is also a bus stop on the opposite side of the road very close.
Next door is a very busy local garage with comings and goings all day. Every day a huge Tesco pantechnicon lorry arrives and parks in front of the store main entrance for deliveries. This also creates other problems, as the way-out from the extremely small car park is blocked and cars using the car park have no alternative but to use the same entry to exit, so when goods are being delivered, people can’t be bothered and just park in the road where they can, and that generally means both sides of the road. An added hazard is that there is a bend in the road just past the garage, and if there are too many parked cars it is sometimes difficult to see an oncoming car coming up the hill especially if it is speeding which is often the case. Other large lorries arrive regularly to deliver their goods. Bearing in mind that we have many holidaymakers in Mundesley during the summer months, some customers are not aware that the bit of road in front of the store is a bus-stop and park in the bus stop so when the bus arrives it has to stop where it can, usually in the middle of the road.
We really sympathise with the nearby residents who must be going through hell trying to keep their drives open and have noticed various notices they have put up asking people not to park in front of their drives. We suggest you contact those residents personally, also the bus companies whose buses have to stop there.
Double yellow lines at best will move the congestion further on and at worst will be ignored thus raising the question ‘who will enforce the policing of the double yellow lines?’ Don’t see many policemen on the beat these days. A simple solution for all concerned. GET RID OF THE STORE.
– Better signage to use existing car parks. Pedestrian safety has never been considered: pavement rights are ignored, as is the adjacent bus stop. Permission should NEVER have been granted – at least opening hours should be curtailed.